We wish our Year 11 Geographers the best of luck for their mock exams over the next couple of weeks. Please see Mr Chambers if you want a lunchtime space to revise.     Remember there are lots of revision resources on Schoology!

 St Ivo Geography Department Online Portal
     “Geography is the subject which holds the key to our future” - Michael Palin

Head of Department - Mr R Chambers

Home KS3 GCSE A Level Travel & Tourism Fieldwork Teaching Geography EcoIvo About Us
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A’level Travel and Tourism

The AS/A2 Travel and Tourism course consist of a mixture of exams and portfolio units - it is one third exam and two thirds portfolio.

AS Travel and Tourism

Unit 1 - The Travel and Tourism Industry (Exam) (Nn/We/Yo)

Unit 2 - Customer Services (Portfolio) (Nn/We)

Unit 3 - Destination Europe (Portfolio) (Yo)

A2 Travel and Tourism

Unit 7 - Responsible Tourism (Exam) (Nn)

Unit 7 - Current Issues in Travel and Tourism (Portfolio) (Nn)

Unit 12 - Travel Organisations (Portfolio) (Mb)

Students have the opportunity to participate in a residential to New York to gain an understanding of the working of the tourism industry from the transport through to the various organisations involved, including accommodation, attractions etc. Students also explore external factors affecting the travel and tourism industry including gaining an understanding of the impact of the 9/11 impacts on the Travel and Tourism industry.

Advanced GCE in Travel and Tourism Specification - Edexcel